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Can removing highways fix America's cities? (nytimes.com)
8 points by bookofjoe on May 29, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

> Midcentury highway projects often targeted Black neighborhoods

Now ask yourself why these cities had “black neighborhoods” instead of anyone being able to live in any part of the city they want. Fifty years of anti-housing activism pushed many vulnerable people out to the fringe cities, and now these places want to make sure those people stay out by removing the roads.

No, black neighborhoods were inner city. Suburbs were formed by white people who could afford the ongoing expense of cars and then kept people out via zoning as the cities decayed, and this trend accelerated after Brown vs. Board of Ed since everyone had to integrate school districts but suburbs remained lily-white as cities integrated.

The suburbanisation of poverty is very recent.

> Now ask yourself why these cities had “black neighborhoods” instead of anyone being able to live in any part of the city they want.

By and large it was 'systematic racism'. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covenant_(law)#Exclusionary_co... and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redlining#Racial_segregation_i... and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_town just for starters.

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