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How is the link generated? So basically it is a deep link into the clients checkout page? Each product gets its own link? do u have a demo somewhere?

Unfortunately I can't share a demo or docs as this is NDA work we did for the client (and the commerce is still in alpha). But basically you're right. We would create a new checkout page (for the link) that would show the items of the cart (through the Commerce Platform API) and with the credit card fields shown (that would be later sent to the gateway). The link is for the checkout, so you'd have only one per cart/client and it has a timed session.

Each product gets its own Payment Link. Jump into the Stripe Dashboard and give it a try today: https://dashboard.stripe.com/payment-links

Here's a quick video walkthrough as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypH78KUu4Jk

Thanks... But I meant his custom solution he made for his client - not Stripe Paymentlinks :)

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