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> It gave me a chance to say "thanks"

"Me" is the key word

> and for us to bond over the challenge we overcame.

That occurred already. It happened through the process of overcoming the challenge.

I get the intent, but your people probably just want to rest and get some of their time back. If you must celebrate, do it during hours. I typically did offsite lunch time activities pre-COVID. Now it's more gift driven and individual. I made up award systems like the high school "most likely to ...". If someone renovated their masterbath, give them something that is specific to that as a thanks. Find out if they prefer public or 1:1 gratitude

I don’t know. For me, I’m very much looking forward to having dinner and a party with my co-workers again.

I don’t want that every week, but the once every 3 months’ish that we had going was pretty nice.

That’s a bit different than when the leader wants to celebrate your long hours by making you work more hours in a social capacity.

It’s very much different strokes for different folks. Just like everyone’s personal lives differ so does their appetite for coworker extracurricular activities. But I agree that the every 3 months or so is a fine cadence. But, 1) schedule it at the beginning of the quarter 2) be ready to reschedule it if it coincides with a sprint of long hours.

In a perfect world, your team would tell you if they were too burned out for it or not, in a judgement free way. But that doesn’t happen due to fear of judgment or not wanting to rock the boat (say nay when others want yay) or multitude of other reasons. Point is, if you know anyone on the team has significant others, kids, pets, or any life outside work you as a leader shouldn’t ask them to work more in the name of celebration.

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