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> The real fix is for it to be required by law that any research that was funded by government grants must be published with open access.

It basically is already. In the US, if you produce a peer-reviewed paper resulting from federal funding you must provide "Public Access". Each agency has their own way of implementing it. For example, a publication funded by NIH must be uploaded to pubmed.


Maybe this is a requirement for health-related fields, but Iā€™m not aware of something similar in my field (Computer Science or Discrete Math).

Here's the one for NSF: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18041/nsf18041.jsp#q1

Search for Public access policy and agency name.

> It basically is already.

Perhaps it says that on paper, but in practice it is not enforced in many areas. Published papers funded with government grants are behind paywalls; data and computer code are routinely not archived in a publicly accessible location. The example you give, PubMed, is actually the exception, not the rule, in practice.

Perhaps I should have said "required by law, which is actually enforced".

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