Does Data61 have a track record of successful projects? Have they been able to successfully fund a single project that returned a positive return on investment?
Not say all research must be commercialisable, but at least some of it should be.
That was the CSIRO (and boy don’t they love to tell people they invented wifi).
I asked about Data61, given that they are meant to bridge research and industry through commercialisation, I’ve yet to hear of an actual profitable success story from them.
Hivery (AI for retailing) came from Data61 and has raised a massive amount of money, and Propeller Aero (drone surveying) is profitable. Not sure if seL4 and Audinate count (they started out as NICTA projects, before Data61), but they are both commercially viable.
Not say all research must be commercialisable, but at least some of it should be.