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Astrology is not a form of religion.

It is a form of divination.

The two concepts have little to do with each other.

Christianity and Judaism have explicit prohibitions against sorcery, divination, fortune telling, etc. (I suspect it’s the same in Islam.)

Folks don’t attend church to learn the future, get readings, or anything of the sort.

The main religions existent today deal with working towards perfection, defined by a Supreme Being.

Perhaps there is an ‘instinct’ for religion. There is certainly an ‘instinct’ for a quick-and-easy way to peer into the future. These two instincts are not the same and, in most cases, those driven by the first ‘instinct’ shun the latter and vice versa.

I didn't say it was a religion. Divination is the preformative aspect of astrology, tarrot cards, and the like. All the religions you mentioned have equally silly preformative aspects.

Most folks attend church for a sense of community and to find purpose and meaning in the void of human existence. Astrology provides something similar. Obviously it is pseudoscience. But I'm not sure how much that actually matters. Like the article says, people don't really listen to what she says, they use it to confirm what they already thought, or as a frame to help organize their scattered thoughts.

And just like religion, people can take it to ridiculous places.

Not trying to argue.

But, you clearly have little knowledge of religion and what motivates those with a religious outlook.

That’s all.

You seem to view religion and astrology on the same spectrum. That would be insulting, but it seems to be coming from a place of ignorance as opposed to malice.

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