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Why “Unqualified” People Sometimes Make the Best Hires (betteroutcomes.xyz)
2 points by cjwinans79 on May 13, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

What are your experiences? Did you look "unqualified" but someone took a chance on you? Or have you seen someone become a great hire that didn't have the paper credentials?

I saw this happen to my wife. She had stayed at home to raise our kids for a number of years and then built a part-time business.

When our youngest was 13, she decided to get a job but feared she was no longer qualified. Fast forward 4 months and she's a critical employee in a 30+ person software startup transitioning away from a design agency. The skills that come natural to her have opened doors she never felt would open... definitely not that fast!

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