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Back in the day (2009ish), we dropped support for IE6 for all but a few sections of our website that were used by employees of financial institutions. Same story - chrome was just gaining popularity and it was an easy sell. We had this giant banner for IE6 users to download Firefox or Chrome. Saved us so much time in development and testing.

Oh, not for us. I think we dropped support in like 2012 our 13 ish and our clients lost their shit. So many of them would cite the fact that they had special activex plugins installed into IE which made them more "secure".

Dropping 8 was a lot easier to do and we probably could ditch 11 today without a fuss. But man were our clients attached to 6, it was nuts.

Urg... Even in 2012 IE6 was ancient. If I was doing freelance and a client wanted IE6 support, I'm pretty sure I'd quadruple my rate and let them know it will take ten times as long to complete. Fuck IE6.

I just looked it up because I wasn't sure how old it was...

...and damn. IE6 was released in 2001, and the last update was 2008.

By 2012, IE9 was the norm, and IE 10 came out late in the year. That's also around the time that Chrome started gaining significant market share.

Yeah, that was bad browser for a developer who wanted to code only by standards. But in the other hand, back then when IE6 was released - it was the best.

See my song from 2009, "IE is Being Mean to Me Again": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTTzwJsHpU8

Wow, I remember that one! :)

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