| | Ask HN: My dentist prescribed me a toothbrush that wants to track me forever | |
41 points by TurkishPoptart on May 12, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 52 comments
| | Hi HN. I'm writing you because I'm a bit miffed about my first electric toothbrush that my dentist prescribed me. It's called a Philips Sonicare DiamondClean and it cost me $180. When you're at the dentist, it's customary to pay at the time of services rendered....I already regret this. The problem is that this toothbrush requires the Philips Sonicare Android/Apple app. I gave it a whirl, but during the setup process I've noticed so many dark patterns. For starters, it requires that Bluetooth and Location be on all the time. Secondly, the app does _not_ allow screenshots to be made of it! It just disables that on Android for me. Third, the manufacturer does not state any of this on the package, and probably has no necessity to do so. |
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He’s just pushing it on you because some pharma rep came in and bought him a nice steak and bottle of wine at the Capital Grille.
Same as how you get all those shirts from Splunk and USB drives from Salesforce or whoever at ReInvent.