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Ask HN: Want to help those who are looking for jobs, looking for career changes
7 points by linamagr on May 12, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
>>> Goal of this post: Created a landing page, looking for feedback: https://oscr.ai/

>>> Product: AI-driven atuomatic resume tailoring tool to the job you want, help pass the HR round

>>> Motivation: As a ML/DS hiring manager, I have found that the biggest challenge for finding the right talent is having to flip the rock and try hard to "spot" the hidden gems.

Must also be my personality, I reviewed everyone's resume (not just the ones filtered by the recruiter), hoping not to miss someone, anyone good!

Concrete example: a) someone from University of Wisconsin-Madison, Phd in Math, data scientist in personalization/pricing etc. great experience. Although I was looking for someone who may have some experience in voice NLP, I thought... perhaps I could talk with this person. b) someone from MIT with Phd in stem, strong researcher, listed some papers hard to understand, but I thought about it for a few min, the hard-to-understand paper might be relevant to what I need.

However, my recruiter disagreed. They were screened out. I begged to talk with them.

I hope to help people to get really "spotted".

You will have to take over the recruitment process yourself—Which is identifying, assessing, and attracting talent. Assign the recruiter to administrative tasks.

This is mission critical, especially if you are a Line Manager—- and the lack of people is negatively impacting goal attainment (possibly your bonus). You can’t blame HR Bozos. Ultimately, it’s your problem.

Related: There Are Only Three True Job Interview Questions > https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgebradt/2011/04/27/top-exec...

Interesting idea, can relate with the problem you're looking to solve. As a former tech person, I find it challenging to get people to look past what I've been doing for the last while and get a better sense of my abilities as a whole. Few people are well summed up by a job title (prospective or otherwise).

Definitely room for something like this in the space.

> my recruiter disagreed. They were screened out.

Question: CAN this person do the job successfully?

WOULD they do they job?

Can you LIVE with them?

Sadly, the average corporate recruiter lacks the intellectual curiosity and bandwidth to probe for potential talent.

There are lots of amazing misfits out there, who don’t check off all the boxes.

also, a lot of them are not really misfits. They are just badly interpreted.

they are all sadly true. How could we help them?

Any idea why they were screened out?

Anyways, its an interesting idea, I'd personally try to check out, looking for a career change in the future. However, I've used some "AI" buzzword products before that seemed rather superficial and didn't end up being theta helpful, so I'd have to try it.

Them being unobviously relevant essentially de-prioritized them. Harder case to make for me to hire them.

Wow, this resonates. Same experience in my prior hiring manager roles. Quick clarifying question from the recruiters perspective: they personally screened them out after a screening call or the ATS screened them out without/minimal human engagement?

They personally screened them out without a call. Actually it's also possible that the ATS screened them out.

however, I just dug everyone up from the applicants pool. Why? directly related talents were kind of rare for me.

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