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Unionizing is the only way to introduce a democratic process in your workplace (ethanmarcotte.com)
7 points by earthboundkid on May 12, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I would like to see union competition. You have a spectrum of 1000 jobs. You ask 3 unions to submit sealed quotes to perform this jobs. All are given minute details on job description, detains, etc. and applicants are allowed to have a dozen workers learn these jobs and perform them over a 30 day period. Each applicant then has to round up the 1000 workers (or open as submittal process). Once hired the people would be trained and will then work for the next 3 years. An annual rolling new hire process would also operate to replace the turnover.

“The Basecamp story’s been a difficult one for me to follow ... it’s a story about racism and white supremacy in that workplace”

No, it isn’t. It’s a story about one group of people effectively arguing that a list of names that sound funny in English leads to genocide. Was the list appropriate? No. Was it unprofessional and immature? Sure. Pathway to genocide? Is that a serious question?

> Pathway to genocide? Is that a serious question?

You would be surprised. It's not only a serious question, it's the foundation of a theory/philosophy which has already taken over by abusing people's good will.

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