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Much of the OSS world is critically underfunded yet critically important (theregister.com)
9 points by alexellisuk on May 11, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Critically useful OSS has the same effect as giving someone water, people don't think where the water was sourced or what were the difficulties in sourcing said water to reach them and quench their thirst, they only think about their thirst being quenched; OSS has such altruistic contributors who chose to lend humanity a hand, but humanity just wants to be lent a hand and not care what that hand had to go through to give them these digital delights. Those useful lives of people that have been used to create such amazing wonders of software without any economical motives. Sad to see that we have created this scenario for our selves, by rewarding selfishness and laziness will only yield more selfishness and laziness, see: e-commerce, tinder or any digital service which starts off as a service to ease our burden, will only eventually push the benchmark of how much burden can be eased collectively,soon pushing us to be connected to machines and making them simulate a reality of our choosing so that we all be kings and queens in our own not-so-tiny simulated universe. Thank you for indulging my weird tangents of thought, I wish you all great health in these trying times.

"The OpenSSL Software Foundation has just two supporters under its corporate sponsorship program, each committing around $5,000 each. It also picks up some donations via GitHub Sponsors."

From https://writing.kemitchell.com/2021/05/11/Sell-Babel-8.html

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