For the bigger picture of use case mentioned here, what's wrong with IRC. And for the specific use case mentioned in the blog as in School/College, I don't understand how hiding in a closet can relate to productivity. This instead might encourage people to single out someone who is already low and take a dig. As mentioned, people can log in as anonymous but nothing stops you from taking someone's name out there!
The issue of anonymous slander is obviously a big one, certainly not limited to our site alone. Having some aspect of identified group information may in fact limit that type of trolling, but that remains to be seen. Everything can be used irresponsibly.
Your first point speaks to the question of anonymity's overall purpose. Wanting to be anonymous isn't always a sign of weakness- it's a reality for a lot of confident, intelligent people. Productivity, in our view, is hampered by the absence of contributions from people who have great ideas to share.
Oh yes, the word is "anonymous slander" and I also appreciate the fact that many a times ideas don't come out just because you are too scared. I was just trying to point out the irresponsible use which is kind of bound to happen if given in hands of irresponsible people.
I see that you are a co-founder. So curious about this - did launch of Google circles affect your decision to launch or not to launch? I am asking because Google circles kind of deals with similar group bound problem, though it's not anonymous but very helpful!