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To a first approximation, everybody uses CPython, the reference interpreter. Of the other implementations, only PyPy is really production-ready.

Given it was created by / for Instagram, I’d say it’s likely that Cinder is (machine count wise) seeing far more production use than even Pypy, but perhaps you mean production ready for users other than its creator?

(E.g. hhvm at Facebook vs everyone else who tried to use it after it was first publicly released)

I think GraalVM is production ready too, but the JVM is not very popular with the python crowd and vice versa.

GraalPython describes itself as “an early-stage experimental implementation of Python”.


I stand corrected. GraalVM seems mature, but apparently the Python support is not.

What happened to Jython?

The changeover to Python 3 killed it AFAIK. Same for IronPython.

Last commit on Iron Python 3: 44 minutes ago (https://github.com/IronLanguages/ironpython3)

Jython 3 has a roadmap with 3.8 has a target: https://www.jython.org/jython-3-mvp.html

Not ready, but not cancelled.

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