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Non-whales get the same rate of return as whales and it's much easier to enter the staking market than mining.

Yes, but I think the “whales” comment was a reference to the large upfront cost of staking in ETH2. At the moment a single validator requires depositing USD equivalent of $94,399.36 (32 ETH).

You can stake via a pool, which greatly lowers the capital floor for participating.

Mining requires pooling and not surprisingly staking does too.

Which makes it only further centralized.

Staking pools can be decentralized or centralized. For Eth2 to have a bright decentralized future, it's important that decentralized staking pools can emerge and thrive.

The Rocket Pool protocol, for example, allows for decentralized pooling: https://medium.com/rocket-pool/rocket-pool-staking-protocol-...

See also: https://our.status.im/rocket-pool-integration/

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