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A new job that carries same prestige and benefits?

I think you're greatly overestimating the prestige of working at Google, or the value of said prestige.

If you know how to leverage your experience you can literally walk in as the CTO of most small startups if you are an ex-googler and don't act like a drone.

CTO of most small startups don't get paid as well as a typical moderately experienced Google engineer. And the job is a lot harder and higher stakes (which is something that some people prefer and others do not).

As someone who has worked at multiple FAANG companies, I think that is a total exaggeration. What on earth does being Engineer #56112 at Google have to do with someone's ability to be a CTO? We’re talking entirely different skill sets. What does "don't act like a drone" mean? Show me one start-up that will simply let me "walk in as the CTO". Come on!

Have you ever tested your think?

People say I think, when they really mean I feel.

And how you feel has nothing to do with how others feel.

There are startups out there that see you and feel there will be great success in hiring you in a CTO role.

They don’t know that you feel like Engineer #56112. They just see a slice of Google that they can inject into their company.

Go test your think

The top tier of these get paid _higher_ than googlers

I think that's true for sure. In fact, I know of more workplaces where when doing the hiring, previous experience with Google is a negative rather than positive, as previous ex-Google employees have introduced more problems than solutions, together with strongly holding a "better than you" attitude towards others.

Both at the same time, presumably if they're willing to leave they've been there long enough to cash in said prestige somewhere else

There is the prestige & benefit of having worked for a FAANG, which, once attained, stays on one's resumé forever, so maybe for some people, tradeoffs that are worth it to attain such a job may no longer be worth it to remain in that job after a few years.

Yeah I think the play is to work for FANG for 1-2 years and then skedaddle really no reason to stay not like they're going to promote anyone to something meaningful unless you are truly a superstar.

Depends on how highly they value WFH. Another job might have higher "benefits". It's all relative to the persons desires.

I wonder if ex-googler is not more prestigious than "googler" actually

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