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> Nearly everyone I've spoken to has reported that WFH productivity has been equal, if not better than pre-pandemic.

Out of curiosity, how many of the people you have spoken to have kids? From my perspective, it seems the people without kids seem to handle working from home okay, but the ones with younger kids at home seem to struggle a lot.

I have young kids and WFH. They go to childcare/preschool during the day. For me, a flexible WFH schedule has been extremely helpful while starting a family. That said, I understand not everyone’s WFH environment is the same.

I take the grandparent comment meant kids at home. In some areas day care have been closed.

I first joked with my wife about finally being able to have sex during meetings at the start of the WFH mandate, but it actually turned out to be more about changing diapers during meetings, and general background screaming for most of the day.

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