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I refuse to believe that most of our "unique" emails addresses and GMail suffixed email addresses are not already being collected and matched across the vast networks of fingerprinting data that companies can purchase.

I'm sure google do this, but I won't use gmail. I have some of my domains on fastmail for family members to use and the rest of them on a VM that I simply run postfix and read emails as text files. My own mail server supports infinite number of aliases and there is no tracking on my own mail server since every email is text and the server discards MDN's. If I need to read html, I pipe the email to a parsemime perl script from 2001.

Fastmail makes some attempt at blocking tracking, not perfect, depends on user preference and default is to allow remote images. [1] Another advantage to this method is that if I get annoyed with Fastmail, I can update DNS and they are out of the picture.

[1] - https://www.fastmail.help/hc/en-us/articles/1500000278102-Bl...

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