Every time people use money to try to better their lives, somebody publishes a smear piece. Like we don't work to earn, so we can improve things for our families.
"Middle-class American selfishly moves to neighborhood with better schools for her kids! News at 11"
How is the article a smear piece? It doesn't talk about anything but the sudden increase in demand for flights out of the country and the big jump in prices.
> "Rich Indians trying to flee" is pretty perjorative?
I don't think it's pejorative at all.
They're rich, they're citizens of India, and they're scrambling to get out of the country in a hurry and spending a lot of money to do so. If I were in their place and had the means, I'd be doing the exact same thing.
China wealthy did the same thing in January 2020. European wealthy chose their private islands in March 2020, Arab wealthy returned to their high walled palaces under radar, russian wealthy moved to their secluded ranches, do you need me to go on?
The theme tends to be escape from high infection rates in hope that it won't come to them. It reminds me of fear the walking dead start of season 2 when they all board the super yacht to escape the oncoming infection.
Don't know why you're downvoted, because you're right. When people with the means to flee a country start doing so very suddenly, and without much regard for the cost, it's a signal of things going to shit, fast.
"Middle-class American selfishly moves to neighborhood with better schools for her kids! News at 11"