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That is savage.

And disturbingly accurate, as once you strip away the admittedly really quite nice typography from Accenture documents like this, you are left with just absolute pablum.


(Edit: Wow, they apparently used the phrase “Thought Leadership” in this file name without irony.)

I've always wondered what type of person it takes to create a presentation like that. Do they actually believe in the things they are putting on the slides, or do they know this is all BS but they're willing to do such soulless work for whatever they're getting paid to do so?

I once heard a salesguy say the following statement: "One of our customers accused me of selling them shit. But all we have is shit, so what do you expect?"

There's usually entire teams involved in preparing these sorts of decks - from content researchers via subject matter experts to designers. So not a single person needs to believe in it all at once.

I think a far better question is: Does whoever is paying for these decks to be prepared believe in them? These decks aren't (always) built for internal use.

>hey intern, here's the topic, here's some buzzwords, here's the word and slide count, you have 3 hours

Some of these are real howlers.

“Broadband and 5G will be life-essential for most”

Well no shit, Sherlock.

>COVID-19:5 new human truths that experiences need to address >How organizations should respond to the never normal

This reads like those AI-generated documents.

A Markov Chain, but for bullshit.

Speaking as a consultant, these are terrible slides.

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