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Since this article is about the stock, I hope I can share an update on my AMD position, though I have found HN has been very unfriendly when it comes to anything related to stocks.

AMD has been one of my best investments. I remember being on HN toward the end of 2019 and being downvoted hard for touting the stock. Back then I had 1200 shares at a cost basis of about $17. Today I have 1500 shares and a position worth about $130k after hours, almost about a 474% return, in less than 2 years. This isn’t even my only position that has turned out so well, you may have heard of some others in my past posts, just look for the ones that are very gray.

The moral of the story is do your due diligence and don’t be afraid to invest boldly, early and often.

You’re getting downvoted possibly because “look at my juicy unrealized gains” doesn’t contribute materially to the discussion

Probably HN wonders if you think we're the IRS, declaring every capital gain like that :)

I would see more material if you had some insight into how to invest in AMD looking forward. Saying do DD on all companies in general and then make a bold early play isn't super relevant. What do you think about AMD's prospects going forward?

My recommendation for AMD is a buy.

Similar story here. I have 1000 shares in my taxable account, average cost is just under $13. Another 400 shares in my IRA, average cost of $36.

AMD has done well in terms of absolute dollar gains. Percentage wise, I have others that have done better, like MU, FB, PYPL.

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