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Changes at Basecamp: A Fan Translation (gist.github.com)
4 points by mikro2nd on April 27, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I think one of the reasons why people are pushing back against David's and Jason's narrative is because for years they have positioned themselves and Basecamp as the consciences of the industry who are more ethical and compassionate than the competition, especially big corporations. When you put yourself on a pedestal but then take actions that contradict your values, you come off as a hypocrite.

For a company that claims to be progressive and inclusive, it's surprising how these major cultural changes can be implemented without even notifying employees let alone discussing these matters with them. A lot of very bright people work at Basecamp, some who shine much brighter than either David or Jason, maybe they had valuable feedback on these profound changes in culture?

I'm not even saying these changes are bad but I do think that they were unwisely implemented, seem to contradict Basecamp's culture and will probably cast a long shadow on David's and Jason's credibility.

Well, discussing it would be a political discussion see.

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