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Member of Busted Scene Piracy Group Hopes to Avoid Prison (torrentfreak.com)
2 points by curmudgeon22 on April 26, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

> The question that remains is why Correa was drawn to The Scene.

Perhaps the answer was in the paragraph immediately before that?

> 14 letters from family and friends who describe the defendant as a selfless and hardworking man

I've known a couple of people in the habit of scanning or ripping the books/movies/whatever they come across. Some do it for status in an exclusive group, or for online cred. That seems to be the angle he's going for.

But you know? Most do this quite anonymously. Endless books and movies and software out there uploaded by [anonymous]. What could be the motive for that? There is no recognition, no status, no money in it. I would guess a genuine political or social belief that making such information freely available is a good thing in its own right, such that it outweighs the harms of infringing copyright. Necessity is the defence, at least the one they give to themselves if they question it.

But I guess you can't say that in court when facing a year or more in prison. Wilful civil disobedience tends to be punished the harshest.

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