Sometimes I compile my program and when I move it to the Applications folder and trying to run MacOS says, you do not have permission to do it. May be it's not a gatekeeper, who knows.
The keyword here is sometimes This is what I Love about current state of MacOS.
To fix it nothing works until you delete it completely and only then if you lucky etc ... It just reminds me those old good days with Microsoft many years ago. Turn it off then turn it on few times .. it may work ...
Is this an Xcode project, or something outside of it?
I regularly build both and have run them in the same way you're talking about here, without issue... the latter migth be a bit more nuanced, but when set up properly does work fine, so I'm inclined to think this is more a problem with how you're doing things.
Yes it's pure XCode project, that I regularly build it and run in the same way. Who would expectg such sequence right? And no! it doesn't work fine all the time, because sometimes it doesn't as I desribed. And I do not bother to deeply search for the cause of it unless I must for my project and also because Apple would not pay me for that and next version would have another stupid bug anyway.
"I'm inclined to think this is more a problem with how you're doing things."
Of course, who would expect to see bug in XCode right? I'll tell you the secret, this is not the first bug I've spotted in Apple product during 10 years.
Honestly I do not even know what their QA team is doing if I can find few bugs manually within 10 minutes of usage ... Yesterday I have found another one with sound system, because they didn't thouhgt about one scenario in their logic. They really should spend their money on people like me instead of wasting their money on QA team that doesn't work properly :) ...Or perhaps I should take a look at their QA team to spot bugs in their working process ))
The keyword here is sometimes This is what I Love about current state of MacOS.
To fix it nothing works until you delete it completely and only then if you lucky etc ... It just reminds me those old good days with Microsoft many years ago. Turn it off then turn it on few times .. it may work ...