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In my opinion git-ps provides a much nicer patch workflow similar to Phabricator while still supporting GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab for peer reviews.

* https://github.com/uptech/git-ps * a detailed walkthrough https://upte.ch/blog/how-we-should-be-using-git/

I definitely miss hg’s affordances like hg next/prev and restack. It doesn’t look like, though, that git-ps lets you submit multiple patches for review, this was the raison d’etre for ghstack

We are working on support for requesting review of a series of patches right now. But generally you want to avoid that and get your individual patches reviewed as early as possible anyways.

Doesn't help when it can take several days to land! (e.g., waiting for CI.) But I will admit this is a problem that is somewhat specific to the nature of our project :)

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