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Someone who made a contribution relevant to the field deserves far more the title than someone who made a dissertation no one reads. These silly formalities dont benefit academia

I don’t disagree with you in theory but if you didn’t earn the degree, you shouldn’t use the title. Title != respect and assuming you should automatically respect or disrespect a person based on title alone seems fairly pointless to me.

Define "earn", in some way that results in his recognition being un-earned.

“Earn” in the academic sense. These are not by definition an earned degree. It is honorary. This isn’t a semantical discussion. He literally didn’t earn the degrees by academic study. He was awarded them because of honor, which is lovely, but literally not the same thing.

I don't see a definition anywhere in there. Certainly not one that differs from any dictionary I ever saw.

Standing in front of a panel of his peers and advisors, defending a written thesis?

I believe that’s the customary standard for earning a PhD.

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