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Only for souls that only started to do web development after 2002, and never learned about what the world was about between 1994 and 2002.

I can gladly educate you on how Rails did not improve on the stacks already available, rather bring the concepts to a younger generation that never learned about them in first place, starting with ActiveRecord.

Could you go back and tell 17yr old me know that there's something better than ASP.Net out there? I was doing .Net trying to dodge the Microsoft stack running early versions of Mono and everything, anything to dodge PHP and Java.

I'll gladly receive that education, I have a hard time believing any of those frameworks are as sophisticated today as Rails 2.0 was back in the day.

You didn't look hard enough, companies like https://www.altitude.com and https://www.outsystems.com were built out of my and others experience with those frameworks.

I could tell how they looked like from startup rooms in little offices spaces in Lisbon back in the early days of .com wave in late 90's, how AOLServer influenced the creation of Intervento's Safelayer framework, or how it got us to be approached by MSFT Portugal for adapting the same ideas to then still alpha version of .NET, however I am the right person to fully tell the story, better let that to the key persons, in case they feel like jumping in.

In any case, here is some education material for yourself,





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