That's a neat idea. Industrial Origami had something like that. They were founded in 2002 and went bust some time in 2005. I saw their funding presentation. They had a nice technique for stamping and cutting flat sheets of metal into forms that could be hand-folded into useful objects like electrical boxes. After folding, they locked into position. They had some CAD tools to design this. It was all very proprietary, there are about 20 patents, and it didn't take off.
Have been working on an alternate approach to this area, flexible manufacturing systems to achieve fully autonomous production of complex subassemblies in sheet metal for the last few weeks. Such systems are fiendishly hard to generalise, largely due to disparate geometric limitations for various fabrication processes, but it can be done within limits. About to start building some custom autonomous fixtures for this purpose, should have a fully functional system within a few weeks.
There is a context where self-weight, wind suction and pressure are not a problem even at large scales, while volume before deployment is severely constrained: space. Origami space stations could become a thing.
There was an inflatable test module (Bigelow Expandable Activity Module) that was successfully deployed from the ISS. [0]. While it didn't apparently utilize the described technology perhaps future iterations will incorporate origami technology.
It's still there: "In July 2019, an engineering assessment certified BEAM's ability to remain attached to the station until 2028, as it has exceeded performance expectations and become a core cargo storage module on the volume-constrained station."