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aparsons on April 23, 2021 | hide | past | favorite

The tone, looseness of phrase and structure read like a high school report on the topic. The indiscriminate mixing of personal opinion and fact and poor citation make what could be a solid article an opinion piece at best.

The poll says that 40% of beginning med students believe black people have thicker skin, not that they feel no pain. I honestly have no idea if the skin thickness thing is true but it's completely plausible. I have to believe one ethnic group or another has different thickness skin. And it doesn't imply no pain. Pain doesn't even come from the outside in half the time. And the lower rate of pain medication could easily be explained by socioeconomic factors more easily than belief in a myth.

The article may have a grain of truth but it's not a good argument.

Do red haired people feel more pain? I heard that too.

Red hair, ultra fair skin does seem to be on the opposite side of dark skinned people. It does appear to be a continuum of melanin.

Is this whole continuum relationship to pain just a myth?

Wrong post.

Wrong post?

Yup. Thank you for pointing that out.

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