cd ~
mkdir -p dotfiles && cd dotfiles
mkdir -p bash && cd bash
touch .bashrc
cd ~
stow bash # Deploys ~/.bashrc symlinked from ~/dotfiles/bash/
# More packages, version control:
cd ~/dotfiles
git init && git commit -am "Initial commit"
mkdir -p ~/dotfiles/git/
touch ~/dotfiles/git/.gitconfig
# deploy git package
cd ~ && stow git
# revert bash "package deployment"
stow -D bash
I've gone a bit overboard myself (many packages, litterate programming declaration of emacs config, Vagrant VM with Ansible deployment etc), see
I've been using GNU Stow (with Git) for the past month to sync some of my dotfiles between two laptops (Mac and Linux). It took 10 minutes to get comfortable with it and it works well for me.