Hello everyone,
This is our first post on here and we were seeking advice on how to get users to use our application. We have tried paid ads across all platforms (FB, Google, Reddit Ads, Tiktok) and they seem to not be working to the intended extent.
We are a group therapy application and we're on the iOS App Store. It's called Moodshare and you can join live therapy groups led by licensed therapists on it. The main limitations that we have are:
Our application is only functional for users in the state of Georgia (state licensing laws prohibit therapists to provide mental healthcare outside state borders and all of our therapists are in GA) and
We don't really have much social proof on the app store with 7 ratings and 3 reviews so far. We are starting a blog to increase our SEO and we are building our Instagram page slowly but I feel like the problem is that people come to our app store page and they feel like nobody is actually using the app since most people are used to seeing 1K ratings on apps. How would we alleviate this problem I don't know.
We are looking for unique ways to address those problems so any help would be much appreciated by our fellow entrepreneurs!
It would be easier to market your app nationwide vs just GA.
Can your therapists do group discussions if they don't call it therapy? Or could unlicensed staff do group discussions?
If your lic. therapists are in GA when they are providing the therapy does that meet the requirement to only providing mental healthcare inside Ga? The spirit of the law might be that they are licensed in Ga and they can't setup a clinic in FL with their GA lic.
Can you add therapists in other states that can practice nationwide?
Can your therapists get licensed in an adjacent state? With engineering licensing most states have a reciprocity agreement where you can get licenses in multiple states.
Do you have an existing client base locally who could use the app and leave reviews?
Could you get health departments, doctors, universities, and churches in GA to recommend your app. Provide flyers to these organizations.
Good luck growing your app.