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Really nice! When I was in college we had all sorts of online systems that automatically graded assignments based on how close to the correct answer your supplied answer was. I think it'd be nice if in the future there was more of an overlap between science classes and programming classes (almost like a freshman / junior level scientific computation class) where instead of approaching problems from a pure theoretical perspective, we involved these types of computational approaches in parallel. Personally I have found that while I often know how to perform various theoretical computations, it's faster for me to just throw together a quick script to approximate the result (e.g. what's the expected value of the product of two gaussians?)

I agree 100%. It seems that almost any real-world science problem these days requires a computational solution/approach at some level. Taking a computational approach in parallel would be super useful.

Just like the "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs", there exists a "Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics".

I think you might enjoy it. Visit- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structure_and_Interpretation...

Or give the exercises a try in the browser, using the Clojure(script) port! It’s a lovely book.


I'm seeing a "404 Not Found" when I visit (after logging into NextJournal).

Very cool! Didn't know there was a classical mechanics counterpart to SICM. Could inspire some new problems for the website.

I agree. I wish school would have merged things like space and programming. I would have been really into it.

This was sort of how physics classes at my alma mater worked. Especially at the upper-division level, it was pretty much expected that you would be submitted a Mathematica notebook with all your homework/tests/labs

It would be so wonderful if Mathematica was a public good.

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