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We have nearly 200 full-time employees including many, many instructors (not to mention contractors). This is just not true.

As opposed to how many students? This is very much true, you are a known, proven liar, and your 'bootcamp' is beyond predatory.

You lie about placements, you lie about your number of instructors, I will take the word of every one of your students over the PR speak you spout repeatedly.

About 2,000 concurrent students.

We are not profitable, so if it’s a scam it’s not a very good one.

Nothing about Lambda School is predatory and I have never lied.

> Nothing about Lambda School is predatory

I think the PR vs actual results of Lambda is a big problem when a lot of complains on higher education are about the gap between the dream vision of what a degree does for you, vs reality. But fine. The complains about ISA are mostly unfair

> I have never lied

That's probably one of the things you should never say ever. People will find moments you were either not telling what turned out to be the truth, or were not accurate, and will paint you as totally dishonest.

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