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Any time there's a project that's almost open-source, almost open standards, that's how it ends up going. If you'd gone for Matrix you wouldn't have that problem, because even if their developers decide to embed some bitcoin nonsense into the official client, the protocol and ecosystem is much bigger than that.

You might say that well I’m no worse off than before which is true but still feels weird that I was unable to use my existing riot im account when I wanted to sign into Mozilla’s riot server. I ended up creating a different login for Mozilla’s riot.

I think of myself as a technophile but element/matrix/riot made me eat the humble pie.

Is it possible you were trying to login without the full path? You're email isn't minot, it's minot@hckrnews.com. Similarly, on Matrix, your username isn't minot, but minot@matrix.org. Trying to sign in with your provider can be non-obvious, and would also cause the issue it sounds like you were having :)

Small correction. The syntax for MXIDs is @minot:matrix.org, not minot@matrix.org in order to prevent people from mixing it with emails.

My mistake! I must have been stuck thinking on the email analogy

There is currently no way to port user profiles between homeservers of matrix. They have it planned, but I don't know the current progress on that.

Which is why I'm not converting my friends to anything at the moment. Matrix is slowly gaining adoption, but I can't recommend neither a client nor a homeserver. It is at a place where every university should run a homeserver, though.

That’s true. But there’s another problem with something like Matrix. It’s not to be adopted by the masses by design. The clients/apps are miles away from a nerd/tech savvy person would like to use and another few miles away from the UX non-nerds would want to see. So that’s dba anyway - dead before arrival.

I'm not associated with FluffyChat, just want to point out that it appears to be a Matrix client that meets the "UX non-nerds would want to see" requirement: https://matrix.org/docs/projects/client/fluffychat

What's wrong with the design of Element? I don't think it's anymore complicated than e-mail and even my grandpa has one of those

Design isn't the biggest issue of Element imo. The speed it. It's super slow. I used another matrix app (can't remember the name now) and that also had the same issue. And the speed wasn't the app issue I think as everything else worked fine but loading messages and sending them took forever. Has this improved recently?

It sounds most likely the issue wasn't with the client, but with the server. The most popular server matrix.org is dealing with a lot of clients, but its performance has been improved, well, "recently", by improvements to the most popular homeserver Synapse.

The next step plan is to move to Dendrite, which is a new homeserver taking the lessons learned from writing Synapse, as well as being implemented in Go instead of Python. But it doesn't yet do everything. You can try a dendrite-hosted server by using dendrite.matrix.org as your homeserver. (AFAIK it has its own accounts.)

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