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I like that `f` jump mode:

> Press f to switch to jump mode. Elements on-screen will be prefixed with a two character jump token. Type the characters to jump to the associated element.


Something similar is available in vim via the easymotion plugin: https://github.com/easymotion/vim-easymotion

For those like me who had never used easymotion before this is the closest I got to replicate amp behaviour (so far) :map f <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f2)

It doesn't highlight every word with shortcuts first. It does a search based on two characters max and then highlight the results with characters that you can press to move to the corresponding word.

Looks like an implementation of avy from emacs, very cool that they included this in the base!


It's worse than avy because avy (and vim-sneak, evil-snipe et al) allow you to input the prefix char(s). Avy in general is insanely powerful, and abo-abo's set of elisp packages contain some of the most well thought out UX, held back by the rickety shell that is emacs.

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