HN is such a wonderful source of knowledge and intellectual curiosity. (thanks @dang and others for maintaining such a vibrant ecosystem!)
as HN expands, however, it's attracting people who are less rigorous in sharing opinions.
for instance, this intel thread contains a number of conflicting assessments: which comments are actually knowledgeable and which ones merely sound knowledgeable?
what are your heuristics for filtering opinions on subjects where you lack expertise?
One thing I've done which has been helpful is to try my best to be conscious of my relative level of expertise, and to treat opinions as interesting places to begin research. A plausible sounding theory from an "expert" in a comment isn't inherently factual, but provides me a good jumping off point to research the topic if I'm curious. As a corollary to this, I also do my best to be conscious of this relative level of expertise when sharing any information I might've gleaned from an HN thread with others.