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Re-examining rates of lithium-ion battery tech improvement and cost decline (rsc.org)
3 points by blendo on April 4, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Fig. 8 shows the 2019 energy density is around 725-750 Wh/liter, which is similar to 2013.

At the risk of conflating Wh/l and Wh/kg, the 85 kWh Tesla Model S from 2013 weighed about 4600 lbs, while the 100 kWh 2021 model weighs a proportionate (yet still porky) 4900 lbs.

I do understand the modern 80 kWh Model 3 weighs a relatively svelte 4100 lbs. When should we expect a 3500 lb version?

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