TOML quickly breaks down with lots of nested arrays of objects. For example:
- c: 1
- d:
- e: 2
- f:
g: 3
Turns into this, which is unreadable:
c = 1
e = 2
g = 3
TOML also has a few restrictions, such as not supporting mixed-type arrays like [1, "hello", true], or arrays at the root of the data. JSON can represent any TOML value (as far as I know), but TOML cannot represent any JSON value.
At my company we use YAML a lot for table-driven tests (e.g. [1]), and this not only means lots of nested arrays, but also having to represent pure data (i.e. the expected output of a test), which requires a format that supports encoding arbitrary "pure" data structures of arrays, numbers, strings, booleans, and objects.
Also many (most? all?) serializers don't let you control which fields are serialized inline vs not. So if you have a program that generates configuration, you're going to end up with the original unreadable form anyway.