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ykevinator on April 2, 2021 | hide | past | favorite

You're shadowbanned, looks like about 7 months now. And you can just email the mods using the Contact link at the bottom of the page: hn@ycombinator.com

Edit: I can't reply to your comments because they are dead. Navigate to your comments page in a signed-out (or private) browser and see what's left visible.

Nope. You aren't. You're at about -19 karma though, and your comment history suggests it may be due to an overfondness for oneliners of dubious contribution to the topic at hand, though I could be wrong on that front since I didn't check all of them in context.

Didn't even need showdead. What tends to happen is that after a bunch of downvotes, your comments will only be seen by those who see dead people.

You are merely mostly dead.

I up voted

yeah wtf did u do anyway?

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