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Thanks :)

The real use case is super simple clusters, which could be just 1 node, no etcd, no API (SSH managed), no iptables.

Simplenetes is not a living breathing thing which auto heals it self, it's a deterministic approach where you can see your cluster with all hosts in the git repo which represents the cluster.

Also, it's focused on making local development easy, so you can develop in a micro services architecture straight on your laptop with very quick iterations.

> clusters, which could be just 1 node

Despite whatever the k8s crowd misuses the term to be, 1 node is not a cluster. It might be a single node managed using cluster-capable technologies, but it's still not a cluster.

I am a fan of the two-node cluster - one node to do the work, and the other node to manage the cluster.

Main upside is that I can put Kubernetes on my resume.

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