Thanks for the plug! I'll try it out over the weekend. I've held off on using an Electron-based terminal emulator so far because of memory concerns - I usually have tons of terminal windows open, leaving the job of tiling them to i3. But working on a mac with iTerm for work makes me really miss it on my own time, so I guess I'll try extraterm out.
Thanks in advance for trying it out. If you stay using it or not, do create issues on GitHub for missing features or things which could be improved, otherwise I just won't know what people need/want.
I can understand your concerns around resource usage. Extraterm doesn't follow a minimalist philosophy, more of a swiss army chainsaw one. But as an application it still needs to make you think "what I'm getting out of this is worth the resources". Features and new features you can't find else where, plus becoming a platform for plugins and deeper integration with other software is the broad idea here.