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There are definitely degrees of freedom, and I wonder if it would make sense to extend the Free Software Definition[0] backwards further by adding:

* The freedom to not run any program you do not wish to run, for any reason (freedom -1).

Presumably Stallman would agree that government-mandated spyware which happened to be GPL licensed would not really be granting users much freedom. The tight coupling of "you can't boot your system unless you use this time sync daemon implementation" might also count as a violation of this hypothetical freedom.

Applying this to systemd is more complicated though. I'm sure some people would say "Well it's released under a Free Software licence so you can remove or replace any part of the code you don't want.", but that seems almost as unhelpful as saying "Microsoft Windows is Free Software because you can always create a clean-room reimplementation of it".

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Free_Software_Definition

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