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There's also https://github.com/alexmojaki/snoop

For comparison:

    19:32:30.66 >>> Call to add_up in File "/home/joel/example.py", line 5
    19:32:30.66 ...... numbers = [123, 456]
    19:32:30.66 ...... len(numbers) = 2
    19:32:30.66    5 | def add_up(numbers):
    19:32:30.66    6 |     total = 0
    19:32:30.66    7 |     for number in numbers:
    19:32:30.66 .......... number = 123
    19:32:30.66    8 |         total += number
    19:32:30.66 .............. total = 123
    19:32:30.66    7 |     for number in numbers:
    19:32:30.66 .......... number = 456
    19:32:30.66    8 |         total += number
    19:32:30.66 .............. total = 579
    19:32:30.66    7 |     for number in numbers:
    19:32:30.66    9 |     return total
    19:32:30.66 <<< Return value from add_up: 579

From the README, Snoop is "primarily meant to be a more featureful and refined version of PySnooper. It also includes its own version of icecream and some other nifty stuff."

Thanks. I'll give it a try.

Just what I was looking for, thanks

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