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‘Vaccine passports’ are on the way, but developing them won’t be easy (washingtonpost.com)
3 points by CrankyBear on March 29, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Isn't it really too late at this point? By the time they're ready to roll out such a system, we'll have reached herd immunity. That's far from perfect, but enforcing vaccine passports is going to be incredibly onerous, especially in a situation where it has stopped being an immediate crisis filling up hospitals.

And there will be loopholes, such as people who can't be vaccinated for one reason or another. That means doctors signing off on "this person can't be vaccinated but it's OK" exemptions, and there will surely be plenty of room for doctor shopping. I'm sure there will also be religious exemptions, and at least some just plain "I hate science" exemptions.

It might have been useful if they could rolled it out along with the vaccines. A lot of things about the vaccine rollout were bad -- probably a mix of outright mismanagement on top of the ordinary difficulty of managing a crisis. But at this point I don't see any way out of just living with it.

Get the vaccine and be safe-ish. If you can't, surround yourself with people who have, and pray that will insulate you from selfish plague rats.

Everyone talks about how the blockchain can solve so many problems. This is a problem that the blockchain can actually solve!

The government creates a public ledger of every vaccine dose. It's then transferred to the maker of the does, who transfers it to the vaccinator, who scans your QR code representing your wallet, and then transfers the dose to your wallet.

Anyone who wants to verify your status would be able to see exactly which dose you got and when, and we could track how many doses are in warehouses.

And the system is anonymous until you give your wallet code to someone. So it's up to you how far and wide you wish the share that information and whether or not you give that entity personally identifiable information with it. You could even make it illegal to store personal information with the wallet ID.

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