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That doesn't negate the truth conveyed by the quote... government is often horribly inefficient and many people don't want the so-called "help" the government forces upon those people.

I certainly know I could manage my retirement funds more efficiently than the government. I dislike all the "help" I see government doing when it often produces worse results than anarchy.

Big companies are often horribly inefficient.

A decent democratic government at least over here in Scandinavia, try to make life on average as good as possible for the majority.

Funny you should mention pensions... Govt probably knows many or even most regular people are completely uninterested in pensions and/or “the market”. Many could need help or even be forced to set away money they otherwise wouldn’t.

This is where the Swedish govt put you money if you didn’t chose yourself:


Did you fare better?

> A decent democratic government at least over here in Scandinavia, try to make life on average as good as possible for the majority.

Well, the government solution doesn't seem to be working out so well for this app that is being built.

No, but it’s not a ”government” problem per se, is what I’m saying.

I stated this to highlight the difference in goals of a democratic government and a private company - seeing as pensions got mentioned.

It is a ”governance” org type problem, sure, but this is prevalent in any big company.

Still sucks though.

> but it’s not a ”government” problem per se

Sure it is. Because the non government solution is apparently working a lot better in this specific circumstance.

So yes, the blame falls squarely on the government for this specific situation.

Not sure you’ve set foot at big co IT departments?

This is a “project as delivery & governance model” issue.

We can blame them for using such a model, yes, but the situation is not much better at most non-tech companies of moderate size.

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