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Hi folks,

WordBueno is a dictionary that aims to be multilingual, fast and simple.

The original goal was to build a tool to facilitate finding a new domain name (e.g. checking what a word means in different languages to make sure it’s not a swear word, finding synonyms, translations, rhymes, etc.), somehow it devolved into just a dictionary.

How it works: WordBueno’s data is currently derived from Wiktionary. The backend is using Rust’s warp [1] with fst [2] for indexing. The front-end is built in TypeScript with Svelte. I use prerender [3] for server-side rendering to facilitate crawling. I wrote a bit more about it at https://wordbueno.com/about and I would be happy to answer any questions.

I am curious to hear what you think.

Some thoughts:

- Exposing API? “Is word X a swear word in any language?”, “Synonyms for X”, etc.

- Searching by regex? Feasible with a special index.

- Browser extension? Embedded in the “new tab” page and right-click contextual menu lookup.

- The current data is lacking in many ways. Missing synonyms / antonyms / translations / examples / words. I am considering enhancing it in some ways (e.g. joining it with WordNet, etc.).

- Wiktionary is inherently unstructured, this makes it hard to process and leverage its full potential, it would be great if it was built in a structured way from the group up (ala Wikidata?).

[1] https://github.com/seanmonstar/warp

[2] https://github.com/BurntSushi/fst

[3] https://palmik.net/universal-ssr/

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