Howdy, hackers!
My first App Store release is called Lidpop ( It makes your computer play sound effects of your choosing when you open and close the lid. It sounds silly, but it's surprisingly gratifying.
It's been up in the App Store for a week or so, and I'm trying to figure out how I can promote it. I thought that some of the folks here might have some advice, and I also thought this might be a question that other people have wondered as well. If any App Store pros out there have thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
So, a few questions to get things going:
1. How much have you focused on a web site for the app? How much do you explain there?
2. Have you tried any viral marketing strategies? What works, what doesn't?
3. How did you find your pricing sweet spot? Right now, I'm at the bottom 99¢ tier. I have no idea how I can evaluate whether the app is worth more.
PS: I have some Lidpop promo codes to share. Hit me up at @Lidpop on Twitter if you're interested.
Also, there is a finite market size for certain apps. So, at some point your app is going to likely have a steady stream of sales. It might take off, but I don't know. Most don't.
Last, don't do much or any advertising if you are selling a $1 product. Unless you are confident that the market size is huge and just waiting for your app, it's not worth it. Figuring that a cheap cost per user acquisition might be $5-10, you would lose about $4 per customer or more.
Admittedly your app is a small utility, but if it has value, make people pay a reasonable amount. I'm guessing it could go as high as $5 and people wouldn't flinch, but I have no data to back up that assertion.
Higher price means you have more wiggle room to do interesting advertising. You can always start by reaching out to every blogger who uses a mac. Maybe do some cheapo youtube vids.
Also, don't limit yourself to just one app. Experiment with lots of ideas til something sticks.