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Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua is likely a chunk of nitrogen ice (agu.org)
2 points by anonymfus on March 18, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I wish for us lay people that there was an easier way to break down the research into a tree where each node represents a theory and then you could see how reasonable the methods and models are and how they're being received by the scientific community. Like this sounds great and all, but how accurate is the model they built? Unfortunately I don't have the experience or time to read through 12 or more cosmology/astronomy/astrophysics papers.

Should be possible for study group to naturally form around topic of interest and comb through the details to write up two pager and 30 second video to condense the subject at hand.

Yeah, that would be nice for a variety of subjects like this where there are so many competing theories.

The articles always make it sound like it's a done deal when there is so much more ambiguity.

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