Been scouring through craigslist and padmapper the past couple weeks. Most listings are crap, and the ones that are decent rarely reply back.
I did a search of HN and found previous requests for roommate help have gone unnoticed, so I'm not very optimistic about this one either.
Little bit about me: 23 years old, have a steady job, clean, have a good sense of humor (I was going to say funny, but then I realized no one laughs at my jokes), likes all things web.
Would love to live with fellow hackers or at least someone involved in SF/bay area startup scene, but at this point I'd just choose a quiet place to live with chill roommates.
My email is, if you're interested or know someone I'd be very grateful.
You might also consider living in Berkeley/Oakland - it's easy to get to SF via BART, and cheaper to boot.