Incidentally, Googling "C plus come from" only returns two relevant results, the parent comment and a manual for an esoteric programming language called C-INTERCAL that uses the COME FROM statement and compiles to C. [2]
COME FROM is also the foundation of concurrency in some versions of INTERCAL - if there are two COME FROM statements for the same origin, then when execution reaches that point, it forks.
Threaded INTERCAL actually has a very disciplined approach to safety. Each thread gets its own copy of all variables, so threads do not share any mutable data at all. However, they still share the same code, which is also mutable, so they can communicate through that.
Incidentally, Googling "C plus come from" only returns two relevant results, the parent comment and a manual for an esoteric programming language called C-INTERCAL that uses the COME FROM statement and compiles to C. [2]